As you can see this Cake/ kuih, has many names. its because it has a looooooonnnnngggggg history behind it. where did all start? well it all started when the the Dutch East India Company and Dutch Colonization of South East Asia. Spekkoek- in dutch Speck= lard or bacon(as in the layers or it could have been one of the ingredients in the Cake), Koek= Cake. hmmmm could this been an Indonesian local sweet treat whish the Dutch gave a fancy name or was it the dutch that brought it in??
This cake is similar to the German Baumkuchen(Tree Cake) (according to my German friend its actually a Jewish Cake). Its traditionally done on a roasting spit. they serve this with a vanilla or chocolate Glaze. oh did I mention that It does not have spices put in to it.
WARNING!!: this Cake Is Highly Unhealthly. But lovely to Eat!!!

500g Butter (soft)
1 tbsp rempah spice
20 egg yolks
150g Caster sugar
120g Flour
5 egg white
100g Caster sugar

Beat the egg whites to a soft peak. Add in the 100g sugar slowly while mixing and beat the egg white mixture to a stiff peak, set a side. Beat the egg yolks and sugar till a ribbon stage( that is when you lift the batter up with the whisk and you are able to draw a number 8 on the batter and it stays for at least 3-5 sec. as the picture above)

Beat butter till fluffy then beat in the egg yolk mixture. and mix well

Add in the flour and spice(rempah) to the butter and egg yolk mixture and fold it in. when almost well mixed add in the egg whites and fold in some more. At this stage do not over mix it.

Line the base of a 10" by 8" by 3" tray. (must be only the bottom and not the sides) turn on the Grill (pending on your oven if it has a grill and oven together or separate) I put my tray on the 2nd highest rack. Pre heat the baking tray. For the first layer weigh the batter 120g and spread it evenly. (the batter will be watery when placed in the tray) and grill it till light brown. the following layers will be 100g per layer. so the process continues till all the batter is used up. I think I did about 12 or 13 layers

If there are Bubbles appearing just use a tooth pick to prick it and before adding each layer use something flat to press the cake down just to make sure you don't have air pockets in your kueh lapis.
You might have to give the tray half turns when grilling just to give it an even browning.

After grilling the last layer I baked it for another 10 minutes on 150C.

when thats all done take it out of oven and let it cool for 5 minutes and then turn it out on the cooling rack

once cooled you can then cut it and it should look like this :)

All the best, and happy trying
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